The Assortment

High-School Graduation-Test Final Exam

State-Regulations Help vs. Motel-6-Regulations Help
Two Contrasting Declaration-Form Options
Edited Falwell Petition Form

Good Hate, from God and Christians
God's "Unconditional" Love? (Part 1 of 2)
God's "Unconditional" Love? (Part 2 of 2)
Fear is not "Awe" or "Respect"
Either This, or instead: That, but NOT Both

Who Owns The Land?
Getting Out of Debt
Blame for Higher House Prices, Rent/Lease Rates, Foreclosures
Representative Government vs. God's Armies?
School Vouchers, not Narcotics on Campus

Win More at Casino and Gaming Slots

Gender-Based Choir Seating
Comparison of Some Errors in the KJV, RSV, NASV, & NIV
Bible Verses for Homogays
What is "sodomy?"
What is "bigamy?"
Gal for Bared Gals
"Maid" or instead: "Virgin?"
Modulated Bible Verses
Recorded Message For All
Choose Whichever Prom-Date Quiz
Abhorrent 666 Tattoo

Did the King James Version of the Bible Always Exist?
Comparing Errant Nestle Greek w/Scrivener-Trinitarian NT Text
ben Asher, or instead: ben Chayyim Old-Testament text?
Using human rather than: man in Bible text
Comparison of Discrepant New-Testament Greek-Text Editions

Three-Sourced Scripture Text For Submission of Women to Men
OT through NT Women's Apparel/Attire Bible References (1 of 3)
OT through NT Women's Apparel/Attire Bible References (2 of 3)
OT through NT Women's Apparel/Attire Bible References (3 of 3)
Female Modesty plus Silence-of-Women [Greek Text]
Female Loose Long Hair instead of Prayer Shawls? [Greek Text]
"Men" or Instead "Human" Greek-New-Testament-Text Words?
Prostitutes or Erotically Touching Singles [Greek Text]
Fornication.....or instead: Spousal Sex During Marriage [Greek Text]
Luke 1:41/Luke 2:16 Anti-Abortion-Homicide [Greek Text]
Public Female Sleeveslessness, or instead: Long-Sleeves [Greek Text]?
Web Porn (Part 1 of 2)
Web Porn (Part 2 of 2)
Greek Text Pertaining to Younger Women Marrying

Million/Billion Years, or instead: YOM "day?"

Supposed Ape-to-Human-Ancestry Fraud Exposee #1
Supposed Ape-to-Human-Ancestry Fraud Exposee #2
Supposed Ape-to-Human-Ancestry Fraud Exposee #3
Supposed Ape-to-Human-Ancestry Fraud Exposee #4
Supposed Ape-to-Human-Ancestry Fraud Exposee #5
Supposed Ape-to-Human-Ancestry Fraud Exposee #6

Anti-Evolution Summary (Page 1 of 2)
Anti-Evolution Summary (Page 2 of 2)
Vulgar-Talk Anti-Evolution Debate (Page 2 of 2)

Bad Media
Why Be Anonymous (Page 1 of 2)
Why Be Anonymous (Page 2 of 2)